Communication is the voice of AMA Lincoln’s success. While hosting great events is vital, ensuring our members and community know about them is just as important—and that’s where the Communications Team shines. From creating Eventbrite pages and crafting engaging social media posts to sending out emails, updating the website, and writing blog posts, this team ensures AMA Lincoln’s message is heard loud and clear.

What's a fun fact about yourself?
Sierra: I am fairly fluent in Spanish!
Alyssa: I’m a huge Harry Styles fan. In 2023, I traveled to Barcelona with a friend to see him in concert, and it was truly an unforgettable experience.
Brendon: I learned how to knit, and I made my fiancé a hat that doesn’t fit.
Claryssa: I spend a lot of my free time crocheting!
What is your favorite part about AMA Lincoln and why?
Sierra: The people for sure! I’m also a big fan of CROPPED, our annual live graphic design competition.
Alyssa: My favorite part about AMA Lincoln is the opportunity to connect with so many talented marketers across various industries. It’s been an amazing space to bounce ideas off one another, gain new perspectives, and stay inspired. The industry that I work in can sometimes feels like its own little bubble, so AMA Lincoln has been great for exploring broader marketing concepts and learning from other marketers.
Brendon: Getting to work with people who are excited to flex their marketing muscles
Claryssa: I like being able to be so close and connected to the marketing community!
What advice do you have for young or new professionals in the area?
Sierra: Get involved in something, whether that is AMA LNK or another organization. It gives you the opportunity to find your people. Even as an introvert, being on the AMA board and attending events “fills my cup”.
Alyssa: Don’t be afraid to try new things and step out of your comfort zone—taking on challenges is one of the best ways to learn and grow. Building connections, both internally and externally, can also be incredibly helpful for gaining fresh perspectives and opening doors to new opportunities.
Brendon: Don’t wait for someone to give you permission or ask you to learn new skills. Every resource you need to elevate your career is available to you already.
Claryssa: Go to events and connect with the marketers in your area! I felt very lost and unsure of what I was doing when I started my marketing career and AMA helped me feel comfortable and confident about what I do!